Fluid Mechanics paper club
Welcome to the webpage of our Fluid Mechanics Paper Club! We meet weekly to discuss good papers and books on fundamental fluid mechanics.
Please find here below a list of the papers and books we have studied so far.
If you are around in Sheffield, feel free to drop us an email at p.ricco at sheffield.ac.uk and join us.
Blue - Papers
Red - Books
2001 Davidson, P.A.
An introduction to magnetohydrodynamics,
Cambridge University Press.
1955 Corrsin, S. and Kistler, A.L.
Free-stream boundaries of turbulent flows
NACA report 1244.
2012 Mayer, H.C. and Krechetnikov, R.
Walking with coffee: Why does it spill?
Physical Review E., 85, 046117.
2015 Morales-Juberias, R. et al.
Meandering shallow atmospheric jet as a model of Saturn's north-polar hexagon
Astrophysical Journal Letters.
2017 Gallis, M.A. Bitter, N.P. Koehler, T.P. Torczynski, J. R. Plimpton, S. J. and Papadakis, G.
Molecular-level simulations of turbulence and its decay
Phys. Rev. Lett.
118, 064501.
2014 Gazzola, M. Argentina, M. Mahadevan, L.
Scaling macroscopic aquatic locomotion
Nature Letters
2012 Kawahara, G. Uhlmann, M. and van Veen, L.
The significance of simple invariant solutions in turbulent flows
Ann. Rev Fluid Mech.
1994 Villermaux, E. Gagne, Y.
Line dispersion in homogeneous turbulence: stretching, fractal dimensions, and micromixing
Phys. Rev. Lett.
1989 Argoul, F. Frisch, U. et al.
Wavelet analysis of turbulence reveals the multifractal nature of the Richardson cascade
1944 Landau, L.
On the problem of turbulence
Proc. USSR Ac. Sci.
250 BC Archimedes
On floating bodies
1945 Liepmann, H.W.
Investigation of boundary layer transition on concave walls
NACA ACR No. 4J28.
1967 Kraichnan, R.H.
Inertial ranges in 2-dimensional turbulence
Physics of Fluids,
vol. 10 (7), p. 1417.
2002 Falkovich, G. Fouxon, A. Stepanov, M.G.
Acceleration of rain initiation by cloud turbulence
vol. 419, pp. 151-154.
2014 Darmon, A. Benzaquen, M. Raphael, E.
Kelvin wake pattern at large Froude numbers
J. Fluid Mech.,
vol. 738, pp. R3-1--R3-8.
1887 Thomson, W.
On the waves produced by a single impulse in water of any depth, or in a dispersive medium
Proc. Royal Soc. London,
vol. 42, pp. 80--83.
1999 Russo, G. Smereka, P.
Impulse formulation of the Euler equations: general properties and numerical methods
J. Fluid Mech.,
vol. 391, pp. 189--209.
2007 Lasheras. J.C.
The biomechanics of aerterial aneurysms
Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech.,
vol. 39, pp. 293--319.
2011 Fedorov, A.
Transition and stability of high-speed boundary layers
Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech.,
vol. 43, pp. 79--95.
2013 Charru, F. Andreotti, B. Claudin, P.
Sand ripples and dunes
Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech.,
vol. 45, pp. 469--493.
2013 Rotunno, R.
The fluid dynamics of tornadoes
Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech.,
vol. 45, pp. 1--59.
2016 Sotiropoulos, F. and Le, T.B. and Gilmanov, A.
Fluid mechanics of heart valves and their replacements
Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech.,
vol. 48, pp. 259--83.
1967 Batchelor, G.K.
An introduction to fluid dynamics,
Cambridge University Press.
2011 Avila, K. Moxey, D. de Lozar, A. Avila, M. Barkley, D. Hof, B.
The onset of turbulence in pipe flow
vol. 333 (192).
2006 Hof, B. and Westerweel, J. and Schneider, T.M. and Eckhardt, B.
Finite lifetime of turbulence in shear flows
vol. 443 (7107), pp. 59--62.
1963 Smagorinsky, J.
General circulation experiments with the primitive equations: I. the basic experiment
Monthly Weather Review,
vol. 91 (3), pp. 99--164.
2015 Hinterwaldner, I.
Model building with wind and water: Friedrich Ahlborn's photo-optical flow analysis,
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A,
vol. 49, pp. 1--17.
1948 Hopf, E.
A mathematical example displaying features of turbulence,
Comm. on Pure and Applied Math.,
vol. 1, num. 4, pp. 303-322.
1954 Batchelor, G.K. and Proudman, I.
The effect of rapid distortion of a fluid in turbulent motion,
Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math.,
vol. 7, num. 1, pp. 83-103.
1879 Lord Rayleigh
On the stability, or instability, of certain fluid motions,
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society,
vol. 1, num. 1, pp.57-72.
1867 Lord Kelvin
On vortex motion,
Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh,
vol. 25, pp.217-260.
1963 Lorenz, E.N.
Deterministic nonperiodic flow,
J. Atmosph. Sc.,
vol. 20 (2).
2014 Vassilicos, C.
Dissipation in turbulent flows,
Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech.,
vol. 47 (1).
1755 Euler, L.
Principes generaux du movement des fluides,
Mem. Des l'Acad. des Sci. de Berlin,
vol. 11 (12), pp. 217--273.
1959 Corrsin, S.
Outline of some topics in homogeneous turbulent flow,
J. Geophys. Res.,
vol. 64 (12), pp. 2134--2149.
1956 Coles, D.
The law of the wake in the turbulent boundary layer,
J. Fluid Mech.,
vol. 1 (02), pp. 191--226.
2002 Saric, W.S. Reed, H.L. and Kerschen, E.J.
Boundary-layer receptivity to freestream disturbances,
Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech.,
34 (1), pp. 291--319.
1947 Schubauer, G.B. and Skramstad, H.K.
Laminar boundary-layer oscillations and transition on a flat plate,
NACA TN 909,
1908 Blasius, H.
The boundary layers in fluids with very little friction,
Technical memorandum 1256,
NACA, 1950.
1935 Taylor, G.I.
Statistical theory of turbulence. IV. Diffusion in a turbulent air stream,
Proc. London Math. Soc.,
151, pp. 465--478.
1935 Taylor, G.I.
Statistical theory of turbulence,
Proc. London Math. Soc.,
151, pp. 421--444.
1921 Taylor, G.I.
Diffusion of continuos movement,
Proc. London Math. Soc.,
20, pp. 196--211.
1953 Batchelor, G.K.
The theory of homogeneous turbulence,
Cambridge University Press.
1938 Taylor, G.I.
The spectrum of turbulence,
Phil. Trans. R. Soc.,
164, pp. 476-490.
1921 Richardson, L.F.
Some measurements of atmospheric turbulence,
Phil. Trans. R. Soc.,
221, 582-593, pp. 1--28.
1962 Kolmogorov, A.N.
A refinement of previous hypotheses concerning the local structure of turbulence in a viscous incompressible fluid at high Reynolds number,
J. Fluid Mech.,
13, pp. 82-85.
1941 Kolmogorov, A.N.
The local structure of turbulence in incompressible viscous fluid for very large Reynolds numbers,
Phil. Trans. Royal Soc.,
434, pp. 9-13.
1941 Kolmogorov, A.N.
Dissipation of energy in the locally isotropic turbulenc,
Phil. Trans. Royal Soc.,
434, pp. 15-17.
1923 Taylor, G.I.
Stability of a viscous liquid contained between two rotating cylinders,
Phil. Trans. Royal Soc.,
223, pp. 289--343.
1938 von Karman, T. Howarth, L.
On the statistical theory of isotropic turbulence,
Phil. Trans. Royal Soc.,
164, 917, pp. 192--215.
1915 Taylor, G.I.
Eddy motion in the atmosphere,
Phil. Trans. Royal Soc.,
215, pp. 1--26.
1928 Prandtl, L..
Motion of fluids with very little viscosity,
1895 Reynolds, O.
On the dynamical theory of incompressible viscous fluids and the determination of the criterion,
Phil. Trans. R. Soc.,
186, pp. 123--164.
1883 Reynolds, O.
An experimental investigation of the circumstances which determine whether the motion of water shall be direct or sinous and the law of resistance in parallel channels,
Phil. Trans. R. Soc.,
35, 224-226, pp.84--99.
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